Monday, November 26, 2012

Significance of 12/12/12 in Numerology

The I M OM Workshops:
Inner Movement=Outer Movement
As December 2012 approaches, I figure it's a good time to share my numerologist friend, Traci Rosenberg's, perspective on the meaning of 12/12/12.
That's a whole lotta 12's going on in one day, so I figure it must mean something! :)

Here's Traci's explanation of it:
"If you are wondering what is so significant about the date 12-12-12, here is the numerological significance...
The number twelve represents a cosmic cycle (12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 hours in a day - twice).  When you add up the numbers 12-12-12 they equal 9, which represents an ending.  So the date represents the ending of a cosmic cycle!  This is huge!!  The Mayan Calendar ends on 12-21-12, which also equals 9, representing an ending.  How are the two dates different?
There are 9 days in between the two dates.  These 9 days are a period of integration.  When one moment ends there is always a pause before the next moment begins.  This pause happens to last 9 full days.  During that time the cosmic shift will be integrating through our energy fields.  We are likely to feel tired and need more sleep during this time.  It is very important that we connect with our higher selves during this 9 day period.  This is one of the reasons we will need more rest as sleep is the best way to connect to higher consciousness. 
Additionally, the power of this energy is magnified when we come together
in groups.

The end of the Mayan Calendar signifies the full ending (including the 9 day pause or integration period).  The date 12-22-12 equals a 1, which reflects a new beginning.  "

Traci and a bunch of other facilitators, including myself, will be involved in a bunch of FREE events from 12/12-12/21. If you're in the South Jersey area, stop by for FREE!!
Did I mention they're free?? :) 
Here's Traci's description of the events:
"Beginning on 12-12-12 we will have a special event where the Talk-N-Angels radio show will air live from Pilates Core Center.  The event will include a meditation, and a panel discussion about the ascension process.  Those who attend will have the opportunity to ask questions to the panelists live on the radio.  This event is free, but we ask that you register ahead of time so we know how many people to expect. 
The following 9 days there will be free events each day designed to connect you with your higher self.  Check out for details.
On the evening of 12-21-12 we will have another special event that will begin at 10:00pm and end at midnight.   This event will feature a special ceremony that is being passed down by the Munay-Ki, a native american tribe that facilitates 9 Rites of Passage into the new age.  Rite One:  The Healer's Rite, will be given to each person who attends that evening.  This Rite will raise the vibration of your hands so that anyone you touch will be blessed. "

So, feel free to join us in happy thoughts, good intentions and community during the magical month of December.
Love and Light, 
with thanks to:

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